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« Ludivine m a énormément soutenu par sa bienveillance, son empathie et sa force de caractère, son positivisme.

Sa méthode "hors les murs" prend toute sa dimension grâce à des échanges plus spontanés et authentiques que dans un "cabinet de psy".

Son approche est pragmatique et profonde en même temps. merci Ludivine ! »

Nadine C.

« Ludivine motivates, encourages and makes you feel that you can do it. Because you can! It’s our thoughts that make it feel impossible because we look too far ahead and worry too much.
Thank you Ludivine for the support, motivation and encouragement. It was just what I needed to get me out of the ‘lazy mode’. »

Kim G.

I was in a situation where a lot of travellers nowadays are; travelling around, feel the need to do something, but motivational wise I didn't do anything, because I didn’t know what and where to start. In short; I felt stuck.
Time and days are passing by, while having a lot of ideas what I should/could/would do, but: no action.
Then Ludivine and I started talking. It seemed that I 'only' had to take one simple step, to get closer to where I wanted to be. One simple step. Once I've done that, I can take the next simple step. But first, focus on the very first step.
Together we created practical steps, so I didn't feel so overwhelmed by the bigger picture. It's really helpful to break the idea in bite-sized and feasible tasks. It made me realize that we're living too much in our head, without doing the actual work.

Kim G.

Ludivine Hudaverdian 

Psychologue - Thérapeute TCC  

06 99 74 04 32 /

19 Bis Boulevard Léon Gambetta 46400 SAINT-CERE

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